lördag 3 november 2018

Hellbound out on vinyl!

It is time! Hellbound is now released on vinyl 12”. And when you buy Hellbound from Phobia Records you get our first album Midnight Sacrifice for free (limited edition) here: https://www.phobiarecords.net/…/PR-163-SUFFER-THE-PAIN-Hell…
Awesome deal! Cheers Mirek!
And if you don’t want a record for free you can buy only Hellbound 12” here: https://www.phobiarecords.net/…/PR-163-SUFFER-THE-PAIN-Hell…
In cooperation w/ Anomie Records
Listen to Hellbound here (here can you also buy CD and cassette): https://sufferthepain.bandcamp.com/album/hellbound
Recordstores/distro’s/what ever get in contact for wholesale prices
We direct all online orders to Phobia Records, if a swed buy from Phobia its the same postage as if you would buy from us, Post Nord är skit!
Skål! / Suffer The Pain
(Looks like we probably gonna play live soon also, more info about that later)

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